29 May 2013

Wordless WI Wednesday

This is how work has been lately

And for this week's weigh in: 119.2

Happy Hump Day!


Norma said...

CHYEAHHHHH grrrrrlllll!!!

Unknown said...

Hi Laura! Oh, I've been feeling like a grumpy cat at work too.

I have to go into Snow White mode and think of little fantasies to endure the lines at Wal-Mart.

Fitness sure has that rediculous aspect of the crazy things we do--and then want to do yet again!<<But isn't that the joy of fitness? Some people think it is the strength or power, but I think it is the wonderful self-exploration of really understanding your own craziness and whimsy--all while *acting* all capable and powerful. :D

:-) Marion