Well actually, I should say half-marathon training started today because I added to/adjusted my marathon training plan for the half I'm doing on my birthday (June 22nd). The marathon isn't until November. And I actually ran outside today! I took Lucy with me so I wasn't expecting to get a whole lot accomplished, but she actually did really well :) I set my app (iSmoothRun) for a 5 minute warm-up and then 1:30/:30 intervals and off we went.
The subdivision I live in has a main road that goes around in a circle, and it's exactly 1 mile if I stay on the inner sidewalk. Usually I add onto that by using the outer sidewalk/road and go around another street. Here, let me show you what I'm talking about...
My house is at the "pause" mark. If I take the outer road/sidewalk and add on Revere Drive (where the 5 mile marker is) it makes each lap 1.25 miles. If I just do the inner circle of Independence Drive it's exactly 1 mile. Pretty cool, huh?
Anyways, Lucy had enough after twice around so I dropped her back at home, took off my jacket, and back out I went for 3 more laps. On the 5th lap I added the extra street to make sure I hit 5 miles. It went really well, other than some tummy issues (as usual, ugh!), so I will probably keep with the 1:30/:30 intervals for my "long" runs.
After that I watched a couple episodes of Mystery Diners (I love those kind of shows on Food Network!) while making the grocery list, took Lucy for another lap, and then off to the grocery store. I really need to develop a better grocery system because it seems like I'm going every 4 or 5 days, and at about $150 each trip, this is super expensive! The problem is that my husband and I eat completely different types of foods. Of course you all know that I'm vegetarian/plant-strong, but hubby definitely is NOT.
Well well, aren't I just yappy today?! While I'm on a roll, here's today's menu:
- Breakfast: vitamin, coffee
- Pre-run: roasted cauliflower and a black-bean burger (this probably explains the tummy issues)
- Post-run: romaine salad w/tomatoes, onions, celery, radishes, sesame sticks and tahini lime dressing
- Snack: Lime tortilla Popchips w/garlic and artichoke hummus
- Dinner: haven't decided yet
For the past few days I've been hovering at 120 pounds, so this week's plan is get back to around 118. Then June's goal is 116 pounds.
Okay, I think that's about it. Hope everyone is having a happy Memorial Day weekend!