31 March 2013

Happy Easter! Vegan Deviled "Eggs" and April Goals

Happy Easter to those who celebrate! We ended up staying home so I can finish recuperating and also because hubby had a terrible headache this morning. I caught up on the Food Network shows I missed during the week, and then went to the grocery store (Acme was open today!) for a few things to make lunches for the week.

Last night I made Vegan deviled "eggs" from Happy Herbivore.  They came out really yummy! Red potatoes, hummus, Dijon mustard, a dash of Sriracha and a few spices. That was it!

Forgot to add paprika before taking the pic, oops!
Right now I'm waiting for my headache to subside enough that I can get a quick run in, but other than that, we're just taking it easy today.

I'm excited to announce I met my March goal of getting back under 120 (barely!), but failed (miserably) on total mileage. I did run the 10-miler for St. Paddy's Day, but was not happy with my time. I'm cutting myself a break though, since I was sick ;)

For April I just have 3 goals:

  1. Stay under 120
  2. Run 4 days per week
  3. Run at least one half marathon

What are your goals for April?

1 comment:

Jan said...

Those "deviled eggs" look tasty! Yay for being creative! :)